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Natalie Becker

Being creatively driven has brought me a lot of good opportunities in my life. I truly think anyone can be creative, you just have to find your niche. I like to think I am solely a right-side of the brain type because the math brain in me is NOWHERE to be found.

As many of you know if you read my last few blogs, I did theatre growing up. This was a great way for me to express myself creatively while also public speaking, which I have grown to love. When I was little, my friends and I would create dances and plays as many kids did my age. I found many different outlets in my life where I let my creativity shine.

It wasn't until college, I knew it was more than that. I wanted to use my creativity to help others. To show up as a role model, and to spread awareness for several beliefs I feel strongly about. When I started writing, I realized it was a goal of mine to publish one book, let alone three. As I was hitting all my short and long-term goals, I was feeling good. I was on a "creative high" if that is what you want to call it. I drew the covers of my first and third books and my dad drew my second book cover. I am so proud of the work I have put out into the world as it takes a lot of bravery to do so.

It is important to schedule time each day for yourself. This is my time to be creative. You could paint, draw, color, do a DIY project, create a workout plan, practice photography, journal and so many more. Find your creative drive and start implementing it into your everyday lifestyle. There are so many ways to be creative in your own way. I feel a lot more balanced when I make sure to set aside time each day to do this. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant! Sometimes my creative drive results in recipe planning or creating my grocery list and meal plan for the week. Other times this means doing yoga or stretching. Finding time in your day to not only accomplish your goals but also give yourself time to reflect on them and all the positive they brought to your day. A graphic design platform I use for just about EVERYTHING is Canva. If you've never heard of Canva, it is a design space for you to create just about anything such as calendars, presentations, social media posts, infographics and so much more. Canva also has hundreds of templates for you to use. Canva has been a lifesaver in many school projects and job roles for me but I also find myself using Canva for fun. Creating to-do lists for myself and a goals calendar for work, I find that Canva has use for any and every project you're looking to start. If you are looking to organize your creative goals like I said Canva is a great way to create a template to do so. If you are more of a list person, my boss showed me this beautiful app that allows you to create to-do lists with priority levels and dates. Todoist is a task manager app that allows you to get the satisfaction of checking the goals off your list in a digital format.

The majority of the time when I get a creative idea, it is unfortunately at the worst time EVER. I will be driving on the freeway with 10 brilliant writing or blog ideas that I cannot write down. Even worse, I will be in the shower thinking deep thoughts and I can't write them down. A trick I have found for this is using the voice-over in your notes. If you have an Alexa, she can actually make a note for you. My boyfriend and I were somehow gifted two Alexa's. We keep one in the kitchen and one in the bathroom of our apartment and they often combat each other! Nonetheless, this is a perfect way to get your thoughts out even if you can't write them down. Always be sure to go back in and organize your thoughts. Sometimes, I write thoughts in my notes, come back to them later, and have no idea what I meant.

If you are feeling a "creative overload" like I often do, write write write. I have pages and pages of ideas lost in the crevices of my desk and corners in my room. Someone once told me to not discard anything I write. While you may not feel the same as you did when you wrote it out, it is still a part of your story and could turn into a great idea.

I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes by Osho, "To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.”

Thank you for tuning in on another blog and walking with me on my journey :)


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