Change isn't always viewed in the best light but sometimes all the stars align in your favor. Someone once shared with me, "you will never change your life until you change something you do daily." So I did it. I started new habits. I started walking every day, well almost every day. I am watching what I eat, and no not because I count my calories but because I want to feel energized when I wake up in the morning. You know you're an adult when you sleep more than anything else you do. I am still learning, still practicing, and still have off days but I am really trying and not for anyone but myself. I taught myself to be patient but challenge myself, to push myself to grow.

Taken at Arcadia Bluffs Golf Club in Arcadia, Michigan
No, this is not some cheesy blog about how you should change your life and how you live it. It's the story of how I did. The first thing I realized is that I had to accept the fact that some change, is good change. Some say, when a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.
I picked up my stuff and moved to North Carolina with my boyfriend, with a plan in mind of course. But I did it. It was a goal of mine for a very long time. I made that happen. I sometimes just drive around this beautiful city and am so proud of myself for getting to where I wanted to go. Change is leaving something behind to experience something different. I have recently just accepted the job of my dreams. I have worked so hard to get here, this will be my season of happiness.

Taken at Nuvole Rooftop TwentyTwo
I start my new job in October. While I will miss my current company and the family I created with the people there, I am ready for my next adventure. I will be starting to work with a Restaurant + Social Club for the Charlotte Market, Offline. I will be their Events Community Manager partnering up with other restaurants and bars in the Charlotte area to plan eye-opening events that bring together members of the community. I will be creating social media content for 78k followers, pray for me, please. Learning to just jump right in takes a lot of bravery. It takes time to just go for it and yet again, I did it. I have been very proud of the life I created, and I was going to keep it to myself but it's important to celebrate the wins, to be proud of these moments, and to be confident in sharing them.
I took some time to re-focus my thoughts, to form a plan. When the right hemisphere of your brain just about explodes, you would think it would be a good thing, having so many ideas, and so many plans. I call this creativity overload. I may be the only person in the world who can't write or create during creativity overload. So I took a break but have lots of ideas in the works, some will come with time. Change comes with a waiting period. Over time, you will eventually find your place, find your passion.
This is my season of happiness. I am saying it now and I am holding myself to that. I am still accepting + learning to love the little things life has to offer ♡
Love this and you so much ❤️