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Natalie Becker

While I know many of you don't want to take advice from a 24-year-old still making her way through life but I challenge you to always work on yourself and take care of yourself even in times of adversity. All of my learnings stem from observations in my own life and the people who surround me, even that one guy on the subway and the woman on the phone in the grocery store line, and maybe even you. As you all should know by now, I am very fascinated with human beings and the way they connect with not only others but themselves. I am no psychologist or doctor. I don't study human behavior for a living but I believe it's important to recognize the limitations you are creating in your own imagination.

The photo was taken at U.S. National Whitewater Center.

Over the years, I've collectively come up with my own way to stay positive. Living with mental illnesses allows you to feel so many things at once. Learning to control that and become the creator of your own mind is simply beautiful. I've been told this is both a curse and a blessing but because I am still accepting and learning to love the little things life has to offer, I've carved it into a blessing.

We are bound to be surrounded by those who are different than us. Different in their views, their religion, their likes, and dislikes. People are different in all sorts of different ways. Different isn't bad or negative. I truly believe everyone is different in their own unique and special way. If you begin to believe this, you start learning to accept the environment around you and self-discover your own purpose along the way.

1. Talk and Reflect On The Negativity

It sounds odd to go straight to the worst part but when we are "going through it", if that's what you want to call it. We tend to block out what's really going on and replace it with a distraction. This will allow us to not only forget the difficulty for the time being but possibly even weeks, months, and years after. It took me a very long time to learn that you need to drive straight through it or it will continue to resurface until you do. This isn't my favorite part of self-discovery or positivity in itself but for me, it was more than needed. Challenge yourself to drive right through the difficulty you are having and reflect on why it is so difficult. You may learn something new about yourself.

2. Find Positivity In The Little Things

Not every positive needs to be mapped and molded into a big picture. It's nice to seek out and enjoy the little miracles each day brings. Not every day will be a good one. Not every week will you achieve something grand. Each little step is a part of a larger story. It's important to remember this is one of many more days in your life. Something I always find positivity in is sunshine. My boyfriend and I came up with a sweet analogy that my grandma who made her way to heaven 2 years ago now is always in the sun. She's in the most beautiful sunsets and sunrises. She is with me everywhere I go. Take a deep breath and appreciate the little things as they are all a part of the big picture. You will get there!

The photo was taken in Arcadia, MI the day we celebrated my grandma's beautiful life.

3. Do Something You Love

When we are doing something we are passionate about is when we are often the happiest. When we are surrounded by our favorite people, we tend to smile more. Take time out of each day to do something you love. No matter what it is, make time for it. Taking care of yourself isn't always face masks and warm showers. It's making your soul happy too. Whatever you choose to do, do it with everything you have.

4. Don't Let Distractions Win!

As we talked about earlier, when we reflect and speak on the negativity and difficulty, we push away the distraction. Distractions can both be positive and negative. Utilizing a distraction like a funny movie, show, or your favorite playlist, is all considered positive distractions. Negative distractions are considered negative when they pull you away from growth and set you back. We can always pause the difficulty but you can't skip through it. Learn to better understand what your distractions are. Sometimes we are blind to them.

5. Take Care Of Yourself

Lastly, it is always important to take care of yourself. Maybe your middle school health teacher told you the same thing? Maybe your doctor gave you the handbook on how to do so. No, no. When I say take care of yourself, I mean do things that make you happy, be healthy for yourself, reflect on the bad so you can truly appreciate the good.

If you've made it this far, thank you! I appreciate you tuning it and respecting my week-long break! I have several posts coming soon that will dive further into cooking and travel!

If you are willing, please answer the question for me below. Comment below and give me your answer! :)

How do you best take care of yourself?


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